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Developing Embodiment

Becoming embodied

Embodiment means becoming more connected to the body. This happens when we become more aware of what is happening both inside and outside of ourselves. This includes the so-called exteroceptors, or more usually known as the five senses of what we can see, hear, smell, touch and feel in any given moment. It also includes the interoceptors, which is anything we pick up on inside the body: sensations of movement, tightness, temperature. It includes our sense of where we are in time and space. These senses are part of the workings of the nervous system.

Benefits of Being More Embodied

The benefits of being more in touch with the senses and the body is that we can start to notice more of what is happening in the moment. This can help us to connect mind and body, and to bring the unconscious to the conscious. For example, we may become aware that in certain situations the heart is beating faster, or that our stomachs are tightening. By putting attention on those parts, it can be surprising what we start to notice. This is also the same for picking up on different thoughts – often, things we did not even know were there! This can pave the way for starting to make any desired changes in our lives. When we are connected with the 5 senses, we can also start to feel more alive – the world around us can feel brighter, closer, fresher.

Becoming more embodied helps us to become more aware of the mind-body connection, as these are part of the same organism, and not separate. What we think impacts on what we feel in the body, and vice versa. Noticing one can help us to become aware of the other, and, over time, change it if we want to. 

Tips for Cultivating Embodiment

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