The Benefits of Tantric Massage for Women: Awakening Sensuality

There are many benefits of tantric massage for women – it is much more than a yoni massage, or a rush to the goal of orgasm. The massage is more of a journey, encountering and overcoming any areas of stress and allowing an opening to a deeper sense of safety, relaxation, and pleasure. Another aspect of the journey is getting more connected to herself, her body, and her sensuality.

Taking Time

In the last blog, I wrote that it generally takes women longer to get aroused than men. One of the key benefits of tantric massage for women is that the sessions are fairly long – in my case, either 3 or 4 hours. This gives the time to have a greater opportunity to connect, feel safe, and be more relaxed. To take things slowly and not rush.

One of the most common comments I hear from female clients is how wonderful it is for them to go slower and softer, often something they have never experienced before. Slowing and lightening the touch can allow the woman to open up to feel more sensual pleasure. In turn, this can allow the arousal to build more slowly over time – an experience many women earn for.

Feeling Safe

Feeling safe is paramount for a woman to be able to fully relax and let go. There are several ways that this can be fostered in a tantric massage session. First, the female client must be aware. What she does not want to experience and able to say no to it and that the practitioner respects it. It can sometimes take several sessions to get to the point. Where the client is both aware of what she does not want and confident to express it.

In the meantime, the practitioner must be aware of any non-verbal signs of non-consent, and checking in frequently. Once the woman knows where her boundaries are and can express them – and have them respected. She can start to feel safer in her body and open up to feeling more sensual pleasure, arousal, fun, and enjoyment.

Tantric Massage

Re-writing Old Patterns

Even if no direct sexual abuse has happened to a woman, the chances are that she has experienced sex that happened before she was ready. This often leads to feelings of pain or discomfort, and less enjoyment overall. Many women have had sex with their partners out of a sense of duty, or to please them. When this happens repeatedly. The body can start to shut down to pleasure, feeling arousal, and being able to connect intimately with one another.

Tantric massage for women helps to learn new patterns. This is done by having a different experience during the session and equipping the client with new tools and knowledge. How she can take what she learns in the therapy space into the outside world and her relationships?

Encountering Stress

The process of learning new patterns and ways of being and relating is often an emotional one. It can bring up sadness, grief, anger, shame, and guilt as what was once unexpressed finds its way to the surface. It is recommended to work with an experienced practitioner who can guide you through this process in a safe way, enabling healing and growth to take place. The coming up of emotions in this way does not always occur, but is quite common so it is good to be aware that this can be part of the process.

I offer sessions to women in Teesside and in London, as well as online. For more information.

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