History of Sacred Sexuality

What Is Sacred Sexuality? Placing the words “sacred” and “sexuality” together creates a paradox for many people. Sex and the sacred have for the most...

Open Relating: Is It For You?

When I talk about open relating, I am talking about non-monogamous relationships where two or more people are in agreement with this way of relating....

Benefits of Testicle Massage

Testicle Massage is Important for Health And Well-being Did you know that having the testicle massage is not only pleasurable, but has health benefits, too?...

What Does Sex Positive Mean?

Our culture is slowly starting to shift towards a more sex positive one. This means seeing sex and sexuality as something that is good in...

Tantra Helped Me After My Prostatectomy

The Prostatectomy In April 2018, I discovered that I had prostate cancer. I had no symptoms; it was discovered by an astute GP whilst investigating...

Polyvagal Theory Application in Bodywork

In this Guest Blog, Candy at Arras Healing explores the basics of Polyvagal Theory and how we can incorporate these teachings into bodywork, such as...